Please raise an incident whenever you believe something is not working as expected. Open a Service Request if you are asking for something new.
From the Support Portal main page, click: “Report an Incident”. (Alternatively you can use the Bot, but you will end up being asked for the same information)
If you cannot find the support portal, click this:
Fill the following fields:
- Requestor: Your email address
- Subject: A one line “Eye Catcher” description
- Urgency
- Impact
Urgency and Impact always default to low. Please adjust as needed according to the below:
High Company Wide or Donation at risk impact
Medium A Group or department is impacted
Low An individual is impacted
High Donation Risk w/immediate impact.
Onboarding issue with immediate impact
Immediate reputational impact;
HLA Direct Impact on donor testing or STAT recipient post transplant monitoring
Medium Impact on increased donations, deferral possible
Impact on Recruitment and Retention
Generally Important
Low General / Most Incidents
Completing the Category and Associate Asset are helpful but not required.